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Kicking off our Year of Zealous Health!

2 min read

Kicking off our Year of Zealous Health!
After the 2020 we’ve all had, there’s no doubt that Health is top of mind this year. Here at Zelos, we are committed to providing healthy food but in our own zealous way - with tasty, all-natural products that will make it easy for you to make healthy AND delicious dishes. Whether you need a hot, energizing lunch after an interminable Zoom call or a hearty dinner for some precious family time or even something a little more exotic to break your usual pasta night routine, we’ve got something for you! 
Philippos Hellenic Goods organic extra virgin olive oil

All of our products and recipes are grounded in the roots of the healthy, yet always delicious, plant-based Mediterranean diet we grew up with. But differently from how these meals were made when we were kids, we’re looking to spend a tad less time preparing them (bless our mothers & grandmothers for their patience!!). I’m the first to find cooking a wonderful therapy and a great creative outlet, but I also know that many of you are looking for healthy, tasty dishes that you can whip up quickly. I hope you'll enjoy the recipe cards you got in your gift boxes and that some of our Zealous Artisans, like Agrozimi, also include on their pack labels. We'll keep sharing more through this blog and our newsletters, including with delicious new products that have just arrived! 

Roasted beet pearl couscous salad with Agrozimi handmade Greek pasta

I hope that this Year of Zealous Health will also be yet another year in which we come together as a community. That had to be one of the brightest spots in 2020, coming together in ways we never imagined. It was in 2020 that you shared with us your most intimate stories, from quarantine recipes and photos to gift box requests to make up for all the cancelled trips and events to Greece. We were touched by the 50th wedding anniversary, the recent grads' trip, the 60th birthday party, the wedding itself, the honeymoon...all special moments that couldn't happen as planned but that you asked us to help you make memorable.

You shared your stories with us, your messages and the most touching thank you's that truly warmed our hearts during such a difficult time. You showed us that we are not only an online marketplace but a zealous community of like-minded people from so many walks of life, and for that we will always be grateful to 2020! We hope in this New Year of 2021 we can do the same - so keep sending us those wonderful pictures and stories, we'd love to write more about how YOU are living a Year of Zealous Health!

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