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Helping Women During Our Month of Giving

2 min read

Helping Women During Our Month of Giving

Zelos  has always been so much more than just an online marketplace. When I started this business nearly three years ago, I wanted to help those small companies in Greece that embodied the concept of zēlos, great energy and enthusiasm, that zeal that goes a long way to helping someone achieve their dreams. Yet I knew that many were not quite as fortunate to have our zēlos fall on fertile ground, and that's why giving back to our own community here in Cincinnati has always been so important to me. 

This past year we've been able to donate olive oil, pasta and sauces to Cincinnati's St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. We also were very happy to give products to our friend, Chef José Salazar, when he partnered with The LEE (Let’s Empower Employment) Initiative to help those working in the restaurant business. But the initiative closest to my heart is the work done by ShelterHouse Cincinnati at the Esther Marie Hatton Center for Women. 

For the third November in a row, I'd like to ask for your support of this Center during our November Month of Giving. Whether it's through your own donation or simply by shopping on our site, where we'll give 5% of our November sales, your contribution will mean a lot. This has been an especially difficult year for the Center and I asked my good friend, Corinne Reich (she of the famous vegetable terrine), who volunteers there with her husband, pictured above, to tell me more about what's been happening.

As the stay-at-home order got declared in Ohio in March, the shelter got closed to volunteers and we had to cancel all the lunches we had planned to bring to the shelter. Many volunteers immediately switched their time and food donations to monetary contributions, and some volunteers are now donating dollars to the shelter on a monthly basis. This is so good of them.
The shelter reopened to volunteers early August. But in view of the pandemic, we are currently dropping off the food to the shelter rather than going in and serving our food. We are missing the smiles and interactions with the women at the shelter but we definitely get the gratitude of the cook as we bring the meals once a week. We are now bringing our hearty chili pasta dish with lots of vegetables in disposable pans and we bring them warm, ready to serve.
It requires some coordination and good logistics from our volunteers but again the reward is immediate: we know our meals are enjoyed and our efforts very appreciated.


Next week I'll share the recipe and Greek story behind that hearty pasta chili dish. But for now, please join me in this Month of Giving. Get a head start on your holiday shopping and we will contribute 5% of our November sales to the Shelter. Thank you for all of your support.

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